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/ Night Owl - The Best of BBS / Night Owl The Best of BBS (NOP-BBS) (Night Owl Publisher) (1994).iso / 003a / cpconf37.zip

Text (9)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AREAS.DAT Text File 14 442b 1993-05-23
CP-CONF.CFG Text File 90 3KB 1993-11-29
CP-CONF.DOC Text File 213 7KB 1994-03-04
FILES.LST File List 32 432b 1993-05-23
HISTORY.TXT Text File 47 1KB 1994-03-04
README.1ST Text File 17 703b 1994-03-04
REGISTER.FRM Text File 52 1KB 1994-03-04
TNETFILE.DAT Text File 14 431b 1993-05-23
WM301.USE Text File 15 495b 1993-11-29

Other Files (1)
CP-CONF.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 120KB 1994-03-04